History of Alejandro Perez Andrada

Rating of Alejandro Perez Andrada as a function of time

Game Balance of Alejandro Perez Andrada, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
London2017-08-200.022842  Espinosa OcioVictor1434 0.32317 0.50000 0.17683
London2017-08-200.022842  0.32317 0.00000 -0.32317
London2017-08-200.022842  PearceDavid M1386 0.38685 0.00000 -0.38685
London2017-08-200.022842  0.38685 1.00000 0.61315
London2017-08-200.022842  GueciRiccardo1357 0.42815 0.50000 0.07185
London2017-08-200.022842  0.42815 0.00000 -0.42815
London2017-08-200.022842  Cruz FernandezAlberto1337 0.45685 0.00000 -0.45685
London2017-08-200.022842  0.45685 1.00000 0.54315
London2017-08-200.022842  Fonte GuerraHector1196 0.65495 0.50000 -0.15495
London2017-08-200.022842  0.65495 1.00000 0.34505


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